Ports and Shipping medical services in Karama

Keep your crew healthy and your operations smooth with our customized medical services. Contact us today!

Expert medical care for Ports and Shipping

port and shipping medical services

Ports and shipping workers will be more at risk of contracting diseases since they travel overseas for longer periods. The crew will require medical attention in case of any emergencies. Dr. Sirajudeen Medical Center in Karama offers complete medical services tailored to the unique needs of ports and shipping operations. We provide emergency response services as well as regular medical tests. Our highly qualified staff cares for the health and safety of crew members by supporting logistic operations at every stage.

Ports and shipping medical services include

Emergency medical response

Emergency services for ports and shipping must specifically cater to their operations. Since workplace injuries can occur at any time, we offer first aid and various medical care to ensure everyone's safety in the ports until more help arrives.

General health check-ups

Regular general health check-ups can give insights into the health status of crew members. We monitor their vital signs and conduct physical examinations and health screenings for early detection and prevention of potential health issues.

Vaccination Programs

Customized vaccinations protect your crew members from common and travel-related illnesses. We provide vaccines for international travel, such as hepatitis A and B, yellow fever, typhoid, and influenza.

Mental health support

Crew members face mental health challenges since they travel frequently. We provide confidential counseling services for those experiencing mental health issues at sea. This helps them deal with stress, anxiety, depression, and other mental health concerns.

Travel health advice

Crew members need to be aware of various illnesses and how to prevent them. We help in implementing medical measures for specific ports and regions. We offer advice on practicing good hygiene, using insect repellent, and avoiding contaminated food and water.

Drug and alcohol testing programs

Drugs and alcohol may cause workplace injuries for workers in ports and shipping. By increasing compliance, you can ensure workplace safety. We offer drug and alcohol testing programs and conduct random testing, pre-employment testing, and post-incident testing to ensure their safety.

Nutritional counseling

Custom diet plans can help your crew achieve balanced nutrition and portion control by encouraging mindful eating habits. We address dietary problems and provide practical meal-planning tips for your crew.

Physical therapy services

Crew members need to recover from injuries and improve their mobility to work. We provide medical services like physical therapy to ensure that your crew has a safe and quick return to work after experiencing muscular pain or injuries.

Advantages of medical services at Ports and Shipping

Immediate response

Medical services ensure an immediate reaction to emergencies, reducing possible dangers and providing immediate assistance to crew members.

Increased Safety

Regular health screenings and vaccinations can lower the risk of illness and infection. This increases the safety of your working environment.

Regulatory Compliance

Drug and alcohol testing programs ensure that industry standards are followed in the workplace. It improves onboard safety and security.

Improved Wellbeing

Mental health support programs address any psychological issues among the crew members. This results in a more healthy and resilient crew.

Health Education

Travel health guidance gives important knowledge on illness prevention and medical measures, allowing crew members to stay healthy when traveling.

Injury Management

Physical therapy treatments assist with injury healing, pain management, and rehabilitation, resulting in a quicker return to work and better mobility.

Nutritional Guidance

Nutritional counseling supports the good eating habits of your crew members. This also improves their general well-being.

Why choose Dr. Sirajudeen medical for sports and fitness centre medical services

Experienced sports medicine specialists

Our team of experts has extensive experience in sports medicine, ensuring top-notch care for athletes.

Personalized care

We offer tailored medical services that address each individual's unique needs and fitness goals.

State-of-the-art medical facilities

Our advanced facilities are equipped with the latest technology for accurate diagnosis and effective treatment.

Commitment to athlete health and safety

We prioritize the well-being of athletes, providing dedicated support to maintain peak health and safety.

Affordable health facilities

We provide cost-effective medical services within the fitness centre, ensuring accessibility and quality care for all members.


Your questions and our honest answers!

Maritime workers can get quick medical help for accidents, injuries, or sudden illnesses on ships or at ports.
Yes, maritime workers can get shots or health check-ups right at the port or shipping place.
Yes! There are services to help with mental health and stress for maritime workers.
Yes. We offer virtual doctor consultations for maritime workers, so they can get medical advice from afar.
Maritime workers’ health information is kept safe and private. Only authorized people can see or use it.
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