Oral bone grafting surgery clinic in Karama

Address all of your dental conditions with Dr. Sirajudeen’s comprehensive bone grafting solutions. Learn how these specialized treatment options can support your teeth in the long run.

Dental bone graft with Dr. Sirajudeen Dental Clinic

Bone grafting surgery clinic in karama
Infections, accidents, and other periodontal diseases may result in losing teeth. When many teeth are lost in the process, it will impair the individual person’s ability to chew, make speech, and perform other oral functions. Dental crowns can only be implanted when there is sufficient bone support. However, when there is insufficient bone to support dental implants, grafting is performed. This surgery involves attaching bone material to the jaw or oral cavities to improve bone volume and density, which can facilitate crowns. Overall bone grafts improve facial appearance and symmetry. Don’t let broken teeth or gum problems let your confidence down, visit Dr. Sirajudeen Medical Centre today for effective dental bone grafting in Karama,Dubai.

Various types of bone augmentation services we offer

Minor bone augmentation

After carefully removing the teeth and ridge expansion, the empty socket is filled with suitable graft material to preserve the height and width of the bone. This prevents bone loss and ensures adequate bone for dental immediate implants.

Staged bone grafting

This grafting technique is used when there is not enough bone for implant placement. Our dentists place suitable grafting material and recommend several months of rest for graft integration. Once the bone is ready, dental implants are placed.

Sinus lifts

During this procedure, our expert doctors make a small and precise inclusion to expose the sinus membrane. This membrane is carefully lifted and a bone graft material is placed. After the healing process, dental implants can be inserted.

Ridge preservation

To rebuild the bone in empty tooth sockets after the extraction ridge preservation is performed. It involves tooth removal, graft placement, and implant placement in subsequent stages. This helps in preserving the jaw shape and facilitates support for crowns.

Various bone graft techniques in dental procedures


These grafts use bone tissue taken from the patient’s body and are harvested from either the hip, tibia, or back of the jaw.


Allografts are bone tissues that are usually collected from the donor and involve transplanting to the patient.


These grafts are derived from animal bone material such as porcine or bovine sources to replace the weak or lost bone.


As the name suggests these are synthetic grafting materials used to mimic the properties of natural bone.

Signs you might require a bone graft

Here are some signs that might indicate you need a bone graft.

Meet our specialist

Dr. Jumshad is a specialist in diagnosing, preventing, and treating gum disease, placing dental implants, and performing periodontal cosmetic and plastic surgeries. A dental implant replaces the root or roots of a tooth and, like tooth roots, dental implants are secured in the jawbone. Dr. Jumshad was awarded Diplomate status by the International Congress of Oral Implantologists (USA). He has extensive experience in advanced oral implantology surgical procedures and the treatment of failing implants. His passion for implant dentistry is evident from the numerous scientific publications he has to his credit in international peer-reviewed journals. In 2019, Dr. Jumshad received a Fellowship in Laser Dentistry from the University of Genova, Italy.


Dr. Jumshad Basheer Mohamed

Periodontists, Implantologist, Laser Dentist

Why choose Dr. Sirajudeen Medical Center for bone grafting?

Comprehensive care

Our dental team provides comprehensive care that allows them to perform successful bone graft procedures, including advanced techniques like flap surgery with bone grafting.

Advanced facilities

Advanced equipment and laboratories are the cornerstones behind our success. We offer specialized grafting solutions using larger and more dense bone blocks in case of significant tooth damage.

Quality assurance

We have a dedicated quality assurance team, dedicated to performing various quality checks of each bone graft material. Our clinic also adheres to all the local regulations to ensure the safety of the patient.

Patient education

After the surgeries or procedures, our dental doctors empower patients with safety and precautionary methods to follow post the treatments. This approach ensures that you understand the complexities of bone grafting.

Restore your smile with oral bone grafting surgery expert

Pros of bone grafting in dental treatments

Enhanced bone

Bone grafting surgery adds volume and density to the affected areas and strengthens the jawbone preventing it from further deterioration. This provides the stability required for the teeth for effective functionality.

Support for dental

In case of teeth loss, dental implants require a strong foundation. These dental grafts create a solid base and ensure a smooth implant integration process. This will improve the stability and longevity of the implants.


Jawbone plays a key role in amplifying the overall facial appearance. Dental grafts help support the jawbone and maintain the natural contours and facial symmetry, boosting the confidence of the individual.

Prevention of further bone loss

In the absence of lost teeth, bone grafts prevent the existing bone from deteriorating and preserve the overall oral health and function of the individual.

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Your questions and our honest answers!

No, as a part of bone grafting surgery, doctors inject local anesthesia. Hence, you will feel very little or no discomfort during the entire procedure.
The healing process of bone grafts varies from person to person, as the gums are different. However, it typically takes several months to completely fuse or combine with the existing natural bone.
Dental bone grafts usually are safe procedures, but like other surgeries, it has some effects, they are: infections, bleeding, nerve damage, swelling, and also anesthesia-related complications.
It is advised to avoid smoking for at least 24-48 after the grafting surgery. This is because smoking can significantly reduce the healing process by decreasing the blood flow and delaying bone tissue formation.
In general, bone grafting surgery doesn’t require any general anesthesia. However, sometimes doctors use local anesthesia to offer comfort to the patients.
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