Cracked Tooth Treatment in Karama

Don’t wait for your tooth pain to worsen, explore Dr. Sirajudeen Medical Centre’s advanced dental techniques for treating cracked teeth.

Secure the best teeth fracture treatment in Karama for a healthy mouth

Fibroid Treatment in Karama
Teeth play a vital role in maintaining proper digestion by helping in breaking down the food into smaller pieces. These smaller pieces of food make digestion easier and increase nutrition absorption. Even though teeth are the strongest parts of our body, they are prone to breaking. Cracked tooth predominantly affects the Posterior teeth i.e. molars and premolars and can be a concerning factor that affects chewing and other oral functions.
Some of the common causes of cracked tooth include chewing hard foods, injury, aging, large fillings, teeth grinding, and uneven biting. You may start noticing symptoms like discomfort while eating, extreme sensitivity to hot or cold substances, and pain in certain areas. If you are noticing any of these symptoms, it is advised to consult an endodontist or dentist. At Sirajudeen Medical Centre, we offer painless cracked tooth repair Treatment options to effectively manage the condition.

Consequences of a Fracture / Broken Tooth

Pain and discomfort

A fractured or broken tooth causes varying degrees of pain and discomfort including sensitivity and persistent pain.


A cracked tooth increases the chances of bacterial infections when exposed to dentin or when the crack spreads to the pulp(inner part of the tooth).

Tooth loss

If this condition is not treated in the initial stages, it can eventually leads to tooth loss due to weekend support.

Gum disease

Broken teeth sometimes create pockets(spaces) where bacteria can easily accumulate and lead to various gum diseases such as gingivitis.

Chewing ability

A Cracked Tooth Root can significantly affect your chewing ability making it difficult to consume food at regular intervals.

Common causes of cracked molars that you should know

Cracked tooth? Discover the most effective treatment options

Dental bonding

Dental bonding is one of the effective Teeth Fracture Treatment options for minor fractures. Our dentist applies a tooth-coloured resin to the damaged tooth and moulds it to the tooth’s natural contours. Special light rays are used to harden this resin and then it is polished for a smooth and natural look.

Dental crowns

We offer dental crown treatment options for deeper molar damage to provide support and protection. Dentists make the impression of your teeth to create a custom crown. A temporary crown is placed based on the intensity of the damage, finally, once the custom-made crown is ready it is carefully cemented onto the tooth.

Tooth extraction

Our top dental doctors in Dubai assess the severity of the crack. If the molar has vertical root fractures, severe decay, or root canal failure, the tooth is carefully removed. This is considered only when the damage is irreversible or to eliminate excess pain.


If an individual is concerned about visible cracks or imperfections, we offer veneers. A thin layer of enamel is removed and impressions are made. Using these impressions we create custom veneers that are usually made of porcelain or composite materials and bond them to the tooth for improved appearance.

Introducing our qualified team

Dr. Shaheen


Dr. Vivian D’Costa


Dr. Neetu S.Singh


Key steps for post-treatment care of cracked molars

Maintain good oral hygiene

Post the Broken Tooth Treatment, keep the treated area clean to reduce the risk of infection. Brush gently, rinse with warm salt water, and avoid harsh mouthwashes to promote faster healing.

Eat soft foods

Always prefer to eat soft food, this will help in reducing the stress on the treated tooth. Eat soups, mashed potatoes, yoghurt, or cooked vegetables that do not cause additional pain.

Avoid extreme temperatures

Choose foods and drinks at lukewarm or room temperature, as extreme temperatures can cause sensitivity and discomfort. Avoid ice-cold or hot items like ice cream or hot coffee.

Avoid chewing on the treated Side

Try as much as you can chew using the other side rather than the treated side. Chewing excessively using the treated side can delay the healing process and may also result in further damage.

Dealing with a cracked tooth? Get effective and painless treatment

Let us restore your smile!

Why our clinic is the preferred choice for cracked tooth pain treatment

Pain management expertise

Our experienced dentists analyze the condition of the tooth and provide necessary pain management medications as a part of the broken tooth repair.

Expertise and specialization

Every dentist at Sirajudeen Medical Centre specializes in treating a wide range of oral conditions using advanced techniques and surgeries. 

Comprehensive care

At SMC, we take a holistic approach to treating cracked teeth. Our dentists focus on providing long-term oral health and offer preventive measures and personalized advice.

Convenient location and hours

Our clinic is easily accessible as it is located in the centre of Dubai. We also offer 24/7 treatment options to provide immediate and reliable care.

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Your questions and our honest answers!

Leaving a cracked tooth untreated can result in serious consequences including non-reversible ones. Some of the critical consequences include infections, tooth loss, chronic pain in the affected area, and the spread of infection.
Yes, a cracked tooth when left untreated can lead to infection and it can spread to other areas including the jaw, face, nose, and neck. The symptoms may include pain in these areas and definitely sleepless nights.

Today there are effective root canal therapies, individualized treatment plans based on the respective person’s condition, early diagnosis and modern microscopic endodontic techniques.

Sometimes the cracks are so small that we cannot see them through our naked eyes. However, if you have molars, some of the important signs to look for are pain when biting, sensitivity, swollen gums, and difficulty eating food. 

Avoid hard and crunchy foods, rinse your mouth with lukewarm salt water, use prescribed painkiller drugs, and apply cold press to your cheeks for instant relief.

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