Acne Scar Treatment
in Karama

Do not let the scars hold you back, experience the best acne scar removal treatments and get brighter and smoother skin with Sirajudeen Medical Centre.

Best Acne Scar Treatment with Dr. Sirajudeen Medical Centre

Acne scar treatment in Karama
Skin is the largest organ in the human body and it protects the internal organs from the external environment and pollutants like dirt and grime. Acne is one of the most common skin conditions in adults and youth that occurs due to clogged skin pores with oil and dead cells. Since it is exposed to the outside world all the time, it is prone to various conditions. This combined with other factors such as genetics and hormonal changes leads to various kinds of acne.
These acne leave scars, professional acne scar treatment is recommended in these kinds of cases to effectively control the acne and promote better skin. Sirajudeen Medical Centre offers reliable and effective treatment options to treat various kinds of acne. Our expertise combined with advanced treatment solutions makes us one of the leading hospitals for acne treatment.

Understanding Acne Scars

Acne scars are prominent in most of the people who have been suffering or suffered from acne lesions. They can significantly impact one’s self-esteem and destroy confidence, especially for working professionals or youth studying in colleges. They can be caused due to various factors and create different acne scars on the surface of the skin. It is important to understand their causes, symptoms, characteristics, and other acne scar removal options to effectively deal with these scars and get desired solutions.

Root Causes of Acne Scars

Acne scars are primarily caused by the inflammation of acne blemishes. When the acne pores swell, they lead to a breakdown in the wall of pores which results in spilling into the surrounding area, leading to deeper scars. Some of the important factors that contribute to the acne scars include

Types of Acne Scars

Atrophic Scars

Atrophic scars are the most common types of acne scars that are developed when there is a loss of tissue. Some of the main causes include severe acne especially cystic acne can damage the skin and internal tissue. They are flat and shallow depressions that heal below the top layer of skin.

Boxcar scars

Boxcar scars are a type of atrophic scar that causes inflammatory acne that destroys collagen. Symptoms include broad box-like depression on the skin with sharp edges and are usually found on the cheeks and temples. These scars are wider than ice-pick scars and are more prominent on the skin.

Ice pick scars

These scars are deep and narrow and extend into the inner layers. They are caused by severe acne and appear like the skin has been punctured with a sharp object. Ice-pick scars are usually narrower than boxcar scars.

Rolling scars

Rolling scars are another type of atrophic scars that appear in wave-like structures. These scars penetrate deep into the internal layers of the skin’s surface and damage the skin. They create an uneven skin texture and are mostly observed on the cheeks.

Hypertrophic and keloid scars

Also known as raised scars are formed due to excess tissue. They are caused by to overproduction of collagen during the healing process. The symptoms include raised and firm bumps on the skin most commonly appearing on the chest, back, shoulders, and jawline.

Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation

This condition is characterized by dark spots or discoloration, that are caused after the acne lesion is healed. Symptoms include flat spots of discoloration usually pink, red, brown, or black. Unlike scars, it does not change the texture but the colour of the skin.

Get to know about our expert Dermatology Doctor

Dr. Chandar Jairamani has competed his MBBS from Karachi University in 1991 and MCPS from College of Physicians and Surgeons in 2000 with more than 22 years of experience. He has vast experience in treating patients with all types of skin ailments, such as Acne, Pigmentation disorders, Skin tags, Dermatitis, Eczema, Fungal, Viral & Bacteria infections, Hair loss (Alopecia), Disease of the nails, Herpes, Hives (Urticaria), Pre-cancerous skin growths (Actinic keratoses), Psoriasis, Rosacea and warts, to name a few.

Dr. Chandar Jairamani

Specialist Dermatologist

Achieve clear, smooth skin with our specialized acne scar treatments in Karama

Best Acne Scar Removal Treatments Provided By
Dr. Sirajudeen Medical Centre

Steroid injection

We use steroid injections to reduce the inflammation and flatten the raised scars including hypertrophic and keloid scars. A chemical solution is injected directly into the affected area that breaks down the collagen bonds and reduces the size and appearance of the scar.

Laser resurfacing

Sirajudeen Medical Centre also offers laser acne scar removal treatment in Karama, Dubai. Our doctors use advanced laser technology to target the top layers of skin break down the scar tissue and stimulate collagen production. This process helps in smoothening the skin and reducing the visibility of scars.


Dermabrasion is another treatment option that is ideal for patients with superficial scars and looking for intensive treatment options for better results. This involves using a rapidly rotating device to sand down the top layer of the skin, as the skin heals, new and smoother skin replaces the scars.

Chemical peel

Our doctors analyze the skin condition of the patient and offer chemical -peels to exfoliate the skin and reduce the appearance of mild to moderate scares. These peels are chemical solutions applied directly to the skin that causes the top layers of the skin to peel away leading to new and improved skin.

Skin needling

Also known as microneedling, is an effective treatment option to treat atrophic scars by stimulating collagen production. Our doctors use a device with fine needles to create tiny holes in the outer layer of the skin, this triggers the body’s natural healing process and results in brighter and scar-free skin.

Botox Treatment

Botox is another skin treatment option that can help in improving the appearance of certain types of acne scars. These injections work by relaxing the surrounding skin and reducing the tension and are best for patients with scares that cause skin tension or puckering.

Introducing our qualified team

Dr. Shaheen


Dr. Vivian D’Costa


Dr. Neetu S.Singh


Treatment of Fibroids


Medication options can help manage the symptoms and shrink fibroids. However, they cannot eliminate fibroids. They are non-invasive, can offer symptom relief, and may reduce the size of fibroids.


Surgery options are the best treatment for fibroids procedure for people who are experiencing severe symptoms or complications. They are very effective in removing the fibroids and providing relief from symptoms.

Non-surgical treatment

Non-surgical uterine prolapse treatment aim to shrink the size of fibroids. They are minimally invasive and take a shorter time to offer reliable solutions to patients.

Request an Appointment


Your questions and our honest answers!

Choosing the right treatment option plays a key role in effectively reducing acne scars. Discuss your needs and priorities with the doctors during the consultation, the doctor evaluates your skin type, acne scars intensity, and overall health condition to recommend the best possible treatment option.
The level of discomfort or pain depends on the treatment offered. Most of the procedures cause little to no discomfort which can be managed with topical anesthetics or cooling techniques.
Yes, our treatments are safe for all skin types. Our dermatologists carefully evaluate the skin type, and condition, and consider various other factors to provide the safest treatment options catered to your specific skin type.
To maintain the results of the treatment, follow treatment care offered by the doctor, use sunscreen daily, cover your skin, use gentle skin care products, schedule regular checkups and maintain a healthy lifestyle with recommended dietary modifications.
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